The ponderings of an 18 year old ponderer.
Thoughts, opinions and everything else that goes with life.
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Wednesday 1 May 2013

North from Northwest

After having a haircut this afternoon, I decided that this was a good day to start a blog.

No particular reason.

Don't worry, I'm not going to be one of those people who is pretentiously unpretentious - you know, who ever-so-casually mentions their interest in Siberian Independent film and the post-apocalyptic haiku.

I will probably just write about things that interest me.. things that interest 99.9% of the population.. things like film, music and books. I might also write about any ponderings that a ponderer might have. I like to think that with a Liverpool postcode comes scouse wit so perhaps I will try and incorporate that.

"Why are you starting a blog" I don't hear you ask.

Well, I think I'm suffering from a pre-life crisis. I turned 18 (happy birthday to me) recently and I started to think:

"By the time Babe Ruth was 19 he was playing for the Boston Red Sox; Mark Zuckerberg had commercialised Facebook; Bill Gates had co-founded Microsoft; Mary Shelley had written "Frankenstien".

Inevitably, this made me a bit depressed.

So I've started a blog.. probably to "compensate" for my lack of achievement.

The name of this post is "North from Northwest". As a potential English undergraduate, I shall proceed to do a close reading of this title.

Northwest - I live and come from the North West of England.

North - NOT LITERAL. I don't know where I'm going, but I hope I'm going "up".

"North from Northwest" - a naff homage to Hitchcock. (I like film, I like puns, I like Hitchcock.)

So at the start of my "proper" life now that I'm 18, I'd like you to accompany me for however long my whim lasts.

NB: If I ever post something that makes me sound pretentious, I can pretty much promise you that I stumbled a cross it on the tinterweb. And maybe you will stumble across my stumblings on this blog. And maybe.. just maybe.. you'll enjoy them too.

That's all for now, folks.

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