The ponderings of an 18 year old ponderer.
Thoughts, opinions and everything else that goes with life.
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Saturday 4 January 2014

Interrailing (Day 5)

After the pub crawl, getting up at 9am was all kinds of heavy. But before leaving Prague, we had the great idea of visiting Prague castle so we left our bags in the hostel and got going. It wasn't long before we came to regret our decision. Prague castle is located at the the top of a hill with a very steep incline. Had we fully grasped this earlier, we probably wouldn't have attempted it at 9am after a 7 hour pub crawl but nevertheless we were committed.

Sweating vodka, we trudged up the streets swearing at any tourists who dared cruise past us on segways. (Seriously though, who does that?) Eventually we made it, having lost what felt like half of our body in water weight.Yet within three seconds, the effort of the walk was forgotten as we viewed the panorama of Prague. The rest of our time in Prague passed quickly as we explored the castle and cathedral, got creeped out by the castle guards, bought a McDonald's and made our way to the train station where we sprawled out on the floor to do some more people judging watching as we waited for a train to take us to Austria. In comparison to our last train, this one was bliss. Spacious, cool and clean we lay back and were whisked away to Vienna.

Em and I arrived in Vienna quite far out of the centre that evening. We found the hostel which was nice enough if not a little too big. We were shown to a 4-bed room with no sign of other guests so laid out our clothes on the top bunks and prepared the bottom ones for sleeping.

With the horrors of yesterday's dinner still rancidly steaming in our memories, we thought it would be a good time to treat ourselves to our first meal out. On exploring the area we came to realise that we were in the heart of what seemed to be the Turkish quarter of Vienna. We also discovered that most places were already closing at 10pm.

We finally managed to find a cheap but friendly-looking place that did pizza but unfortunately did not do the English language. Despite the language barrier, we managed to get a table and order...

... It was only then we realised that everyone was staring at us and we realised that we were the only white people in there. Definitely in the Turkish area.

There were no other groups of solely women in the place and most of the women were wearing headscarves. Em and I were tremendously thankful that we'd put on long sleeves and tights before we'd gone out. Two 18 year old white females going out for dinner at 10pm would have been odd enough without the added oddity of short shorts and vests.

As we were paying, one chef asked (I'm assuming it was a question) "Brittania?" so we excitedly confirmed this with a "yes - Liverpool." A waiter then chipped in with "Steven Gerrard!" and we laughed. Then another man (they were fascinated) said "Man United" so we booed and left.

Our room was dark when we got back and when we turned on the lights we were greeted by two load groans. We turned the lights off immediately and crept into the room. Two girls were occupying the top bunks and had evidently taken all of our clothes from the beds and chucked them on the floor. Cheers girls. Needless to say we immediately disliked them but they left early the next morning before we had a chance to snarl at them. We never actually saw their faces.. only their knickers.. and that was more than enough.