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Friday 14 June 2013

Fast & Furious 6 (2013) summary:

Hobbs has Dom and Brian reassemble their crew in order to take down a mastermind who commands an organization of mercenary drivers across 12 countries. Payment? Full pardons for them all.

Now let's be honest, plot really isn't the be all and end all in a Fast & Furious film. In fact, it's not really important at all. Any resemblance to narrative merely serves as an underfed milkmaid who is obliged to milk the bursting udder of the cow of bombast for all it's worth but who gets none of the rewards. (I don't know why I'm using a cow metaphor, I'm sorry about that.) So yes, just ignore that metaphor... and the whole plot.

The same can be said for the script. One perfect example goes something like this:
Person 1: "Be careful!" *dramatic pause* Person 2: "This is who we are."
The dialogue is only really there because something has to fill the gaps between the action scenes. Usually this filler takes the form of a romantic scene.... again, it is perfectly acceptable to ignore these and I have to say that they do drag the film out time-wise more than is necessary.

Having already seen the rest of the franchise, I still couldn't remember the names of any most of the gang. Any characterisation is irrelevant although there is some enjoyable banter between Ludacris and Tyrese Gibson.

Now let's get onto the crucial stuff. Cars. More cars. Cars racing. Sweat. And enough baby oil to ensure that The Rock is suitably saturated for the duration of the film. Beautiful and ostentatious escapism at its finest, ladies and gentlemen. There is also the added bonus of seeing the gang racing through a different city - this time it's London and the spectacle is incredible. As ever, there is the obligatory underground racing scene... (because of course every major city in the world has one, right?) In true Fast & Furious fashion, these scenes are visually stunning, and make it worth the money. The film never fails to try something even more unbelievable than the previous action sequence. I'd love to contemplate a particular favourite part of mine but all I'll say is that the whole cast from now on must only be known as The Flying Squirrels.

So in summary: don't watch it with the expectation of being intellectually challenged.

Watch it with the expectation of getting more than your money's worth for a film with the title "Fast & Furious 6".

That's all for now, folks.

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